Values: Neighborhood Focused | Acts 18
October 2, 2022
Values: Village Mentality | 1 Corinthians 12.14-26
October 30, 2022
Previous Sermon Series
Genesis: In the Beginning
We take a look at the beginning of everything and see how it has shaped everything else. We trace the promise that leads us to the Christ.
Carpe Tempus
We live in a very busy world where everyone has to go, go, go. With this series we want to learn how to seize the time.
New Name
God gives His people new names all through the Bible. A new name means a new story. See how God will use our new name.
3 Stories
Luke 15 has 3 stories about things that were lost being found by someone. See what the pursuit looks like.
Kingdom Restored
Jesus starts the Sermon on the Mount with a declaration of the Kingdom of God being for the marginalized of our culture.
Tables are our strategy to execute our vision to meet people where they are, how they are, and show them who they are in Christ.
Love Your Neighbor
Jesus tells us that the Greatest Commandment is to Love God and to Love Neighbor. But how do we love our neighbor?
Stand Alone
If it was not a part of a current series, you will find these sermons here.
Mission Partnership
What is Mission Partnership and why should you join this movement?