We want to meet people where they are, how they are, and show them who they are in Christ.
Neighborhood Focused -
We believe that when you saturate neighborhoods with people who love Jesus and share His love with those around then that entire community can be changed. We have and will continue to own our neighborhood for the Gospel of Christ.
Kingdom Collaboration -
Linking arms with churches and organizations for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. God has blessed us with favor to be able to join forces with over 2 dozen kingdom partners over the past 12 months. God is glorified when the Church is unified.
Village Mentality -
A village looks after everyone together. We want to challenge parents to own their responsibility as primary disciple-maker of their kids while we as a family parent together. Everybody has a seat at the table and nobody gets left behind.
Gospel Centered -
It is important to be able to put your finger to the words of scripture to point to what you believe and what you are doing. We want everything we say, sing, and do to come from the Scriptures.
Kitchen Table - (Hebrews 13.1-2)
Biblical Hospitality: People making strangers neighbors and neighbors family
At the Kitchen Table, we invite people into our homes for a shared meal with the desire to know them and be known by them as well as to serve them and be served by them.
Biblical Community: Groups of people building community within the family
Happens most consistently in our small group environment who meet during the week in people’s homes.
Biblical Worship: Groups gathering together to worship the King
Happens weekly on Sunday mornings at Lobit Educational Village.
Folding Table - (Philippians 2.3-11)
Biblical Service: Everybody serving the family through humility
Happens when you identify how God has uniquely gifted you and then begin to use and develop those gifts for the Kingdom.
“New churches are the best way to reach new generation, new residents, and new people groups.”
— Tim Keller - Why Plant Churches?